it is me....

it is me....
kami happy together..

Khamis, 3 September 2015

Short Moment in IKN(Institut Kanser Negara)

Tanggal 4 march 2015 adalah tarikh keramat..
Sebab ape??sebab tarikh ini adalah tarikh yang menentukan nasib AVM(Arteriovenous Malformation) aku..
I'll be doing what Dr suggest for me..
D procedure is called SRS(stereotactic radiosurgery)..jgn d tanya procedure dy cane..sebab aku keje bahagian makmal..bukan bahagian x-ray what so ever..
Jadinyer,idok lah kutahu nyer..
Plus,aku rase,prosedur ni,takde di jalankan kat mana2 hospital kerajaan selain IKN(institut kanser negara)...
Yang aku tau pasal prosedur ni,dia menggunakan gamma ray which is aku penah belajar dulu zaman sekolah and matrik,tapi sekarang,aku tak ingat ape dah..hahaha..
Actually,ak x berapa faham lah method dy macam mana..yg aku tau,mesin tu akan shoot out gamma ray on the AVM spot with d very high volume/dosage..volume ape,jangan tanya..sebab aku tak tahu..I was told that this procedure will only be done once..hopefully,it is true then...
Jadi,lepas almost a week i think(sebab dah tak ingat),bru la aku discaj dari wad IKN nih..but still i have to do a few follow up..boring~~~~
Then,another appointment d IKN n they will monitor d progress of d AVM through MRI..but i requested to do d MRI in HKL..sebab aku malas nak amik timeslip or MC what so even dek kerana "aku ni budak baru..nak MC aje.."..
****,now,i am counting for d MRI,this monday..lepas tu,kena make sure they prepare d CD fast..sebab next tue,appointment ke IKN pule...kena lah bawa CD tersebut..mudah2an urusan ku d permudahkan..amin...

Mengenai Saya

Foto saya
sumwhere in, selangor, Malaysia
i want to b normal that have fwens n a hepi family.. n have a freedom 2 hang out wit my fwens sumtimes.. dats all i wanted very much...and i do love my family very much..coz they care bout me..:D


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